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Wednesday, January 30

Into the Darkness By: Delilah Devlin

I started this book last night and boy was it a real hooker!
This story is proving to be one of the most erotic novels I've read so far. Not that I'm complaining!

So far I know that it's about a newly transformed woman vampire, Natalie, who is bloodlusting and lusting for a cop, Rene, who saved her from being pecked to death by pigeons. She's managed to find herself locked away in a room with Rene.... chained naked to a bed. And of course she helps herself to a little lovin'.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how the story plays out. It seems like there's still something I'm missing about Natalie. Guess I'm wondering if all newly changed female vampires react the same way or is she different show how? Guess I'll find out!

So, I finished this late last night. And boy, did I mention that this book was the most erotic I've ever read? I'm a sucker (puny!) for romantic vampire novels but this went beyond my comfort zone a little. Besides the romping every few minutes towards the end it spawned into a threesome between the 3 main characters. Holy smokes!

Any how, the story line was great. It was complex and complicated yet intriguing. Natalie ended up being a "Born", a child born from a born mother and human father. Borns are only female and go into their "moon phase" upon which they become sexually charged and will have sex with anything near them, practically. She ends up falling in love with Rene, and he returns the emotion. Only they both suffer from the lusting curse she has. That's why they end up with the threesome at the end. To save Natalie from those that hunt Borns they inlist the help of a mage to open a portal to a different time, I assumed, and Rene goes with Natalie to love her and raise their daughter. It was a different book than I'm used to reading just it was enjoyable, maybe just a little too much though.

clipped from
Into the Darkness
Into the Darkness (Kindle Edition)
by Delilah Devlin

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