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Tuesday, November 11

Witch Fire (Elemental Witches, Book 1) by Anya Bast

I don't remember why I stumbled upon this series but I'm so glad I did!

Witch Fire

Witch Fire (Elemental Witches, Book 1)

The first of the Elemental Witch series by Anya Bast stars a young woman, Mira Hoskins, who was recently divorced, living in an efficiency apartment, and working at a local diner as a waitress saving money to return to college.

One day at the diner a very darkly sexy man sits in her section for hours only ordering a cup of coffee. His name is Jack McAllister and he's a very powerful fire witch sent to guard her from the evil witches known as Duskoff International.

Why? Because she's a very rare, untrained, and wanted air witch with a past she has no idea about. And guess what? Fire and air are natural attractants.

This book was great! The attraction between Jack and Mira was tangible and 100% sincere. They have a lot to discover about each other and not all is good. The writing is great. Everything flowed well together and everything made sense. I was thoroughly entertained.


Here's a trailer I found on Anya's website for Witch Fire:

Product Details

Witch Fire

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