Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers 256 pages, St. Martin's Griffin, (2010-01-05) $9.99 ( |
Purchased on as a bargain book for $4.
Quick Review
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I’ve read so many good reviews of this one and all of Courtney’s books I thought I’d give it a try. And at $4 I didn’t feel that I’d lose anything by trying.
Regina is a mean girl and her mean girl posse freezes her out for a horrible night gone wrong. She tries to redeem herself, not really, what she attempts to do is get revenge. What she finally ends up accomplishing is much, much more.
The writing was awesome. Regina was a deeply emotional and thoughtful girl. I hated her at times but understood her completely.
Regina befriends Michael, a guy she helped sabotage his reputation. Their friendship grows—regrows—to something unforgettable.
I was never a mean girl in high school. I also wasn’t the focus of any mean girls either. And boy am I glad. Anna, Kara and Regina are such bitches. I honestly don’t get why girls can be so mean to each other. It’s horrible. Regina gets it right when she finally understands that there’s a real world out there. That high school bullshit doesn’t matter once you graduate.
Some advice to high schoolers: don’t let it get to you. Get over it. Move on. Tack on a smiley face and suck it up. There’s no reason to get revenge on someone failing at life so bad that they act out against you. Be the bigger, better, person!
Buy and share it with all high school girls
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